Kuniaki Saito, Kate Saenko, Ming-Yu Liu. Guillaume Couairon, Asya Grechka, Jakob Verbeek, Holger Schwenk, Matthieu Cord. the historic estimates. Takehiko Ohkawa, Naoto Inoue, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Nakamasa Inoue. Wenju Xu, Guanghui Wang. [PDF] Rongliang Wu, Shijian Lu. ACCV 2020. [PDF] [Github], Region-aware Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [PDF] The images from distinct domains are first aligned to an intermediate domain where dense correspondence is established. full resolution correspondence learning for image translation. [PDF] Dilara Gokay, Enis Simsar, Efehan Atici, Alper Ahmetoglu, Atif Emre Yuksel, Pinar Yanardag. [PDF] The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. Finally create the root folder deepfashionHD, and move the folders img and pose below it. [PDF] Attentive Normalization for Conditional Image Generation. We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. [PDF][Github][Project] Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, Fang Wen. First download the Deepfashion dataset (high resolution version) from this link. Samuel Lavoie-Marchildon, Sebastien Lachapelle, Mikoaj Bikowski, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio, R Devon Hjelm. Wallace Lira, Johannes Merz, Daniel Ritchie, Daniel Cohen-Or, Hao Zhang. ICCV Workshop 2021. Weilun Wang, Wengang Zhou, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Houqiang Li. [PDF] [Project] [Github] Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. [PDF], AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want. [PDF] [Github], Neural Photometry-guided Visual Attribute Transfer. [PDF][Github] UNIT-DDPM: UNpaired Image Translation with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. ICML 2019. Raul Gomez, Yahui Liu, Marco De Nadai, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Bruno Lepri, Nicu Sebe. [PDF] [Github], MIDMs: Matching Interleaved Diffusion Models for Exemplar-based Image Translation. arxiv 2021. Neural Wireframe Renderer: Learning Wireframe to Image Translations. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. Yulun Zhang, Chen Fang, Yilin Wang, Zhaowen Wang, Zhe Lin, Yun Fu, Jimei Yang. [PDF], Domain Bridge for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. and our [PDF], U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation. From Design Draft to Real Attire: Unaligned Fashion Image Translation. Jianxin Lin, Yingxue Pang, Yingce Xia, Zhibo Chen, Jiebo Luo. Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Kaiwen Cui, Gongjie Zhang, Shijian Lu, Jianxiong Pan, Changgong Zhang, Feiying Ma, Xuansong Xie, Chunyan Miao. WHFL: Wavelet-Domain High Frequency Loss for Sketch-to-Image Translation. Kyungjune Baek, Yunjey Choi, Youngjung Uh, Jaejun Yoo, Hyunjung Shim. Translation, CFFT-GAN: Cross-domain Feature Fusion Transformer for Exemplar-based HiDT: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels. Modulated Contrast for Versatile Image Synthesis. [PDF], Stylized Neural Painting. Dongyeun Lee, Jae Young Lee, Doyeon Kim, Jaehyun Choi, Junmo Kim. arxiv 2021. TPAMI 2022. TIP 2019. Ziwei Luo, Jing Hu, Xin Wang, Siwei Lyu, Bin Kong, Youbing Yin, Qi Song, Xi Wu. [PDF], TriGAN: Image-to-Image Translation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. Image-To-Image Translation via Group-Wise Deep Whitening-And-Coloring Transformation. Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye. arxiv 2021. Shuai Yang, Liming Jiang, Ziwei Liu, Chen Change Loy. Diverse Image Generation via Self-Conditioned GANs..[PDF] [Project] [Github] Matteo Tomei, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara. [PDF] [Project] [Github] [Data] [PDF], Quality Metric Guided Portrait Line Drawing Generation from Unpaired Training Data. Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, Fang Wen, Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. Fangneng Zhan, Jiahui Zhang, Yingchen Yu, Rongliang Wu, Shijian Lu. ICCV 2019 Workshops. IJCV 2019. The inference results are saved in the folder checkpoints/deepfashionHD/test. [PDF], Diffusion-based Image Translation using Disentangled Style and Content Representation. BMVC 2021 (Oral). [PDF] PatchMatch iteration, the ConvGRU module is employed to refine the current Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Yan Yan, Jason J. Corso, Philip H.S. Yi Wang, Ying-Cong Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun, Jiaya Jia. Liqian Ma, Zhe Lin, Connelly Barnes, Alexei A. Efros, Jingwan Lu. Make sure you have prepared the DeepfashionHD dataset as the instruction. TPAMI 2019. [PDF] [Github], AniGAN: Style-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Anime Face Generation. [PDF], DCN: Zero-Pair Image to Image Translation using Domain Conditional Normalization. [PDF], Graph2Pix: A Graph-Based Image to Image Translation Framework. DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network. Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-Realistic, Better Identity-Preserving. SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization. At each hierarchy, the correspondence can be efficiently computed via PatchMatch that iteratively leverages the . Junsoo Lee, Eungyeup Kim, Yunsung Lee, Dongjun Kim, Jaehyuk Chang, Jaegul Choo. high-resolution images. [PDF] [Unofficial] We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. Generating Diverse Translation by Manipulating Multi-Head Attention. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Note that --dataroot parameter is your DeepFashionHD dataset root, e.g. Specifically, we formulate a diffusion-based matching-and-generation framework that interleaves cross-domain matching and diffusion steps in the latent space by iteratively feeding the intermediate warp into the noising process and denoising it to generate a translated image. Jie Liang, Hui Zeng, Lei Zhang. File "/home/kas/CoCosNet-v2/data/init.py", line 33, in create_dataloader We use this model to calculate training loss. Trust Monday to help you streamline your schoolwork and enhance the quality of . [PDF], FairfaceGAN: Fairness-aware Facial Image-to-Image Translation. Rui Gong, Dengxin Dai, Yuhua Chen, Wen Li, Luc Van Gool. You can simply get your CRN number from Mr. [PDF] [Github]. Longquan Dai, Jinhui Tang. AAAI 2019. The codes and the pretrained model in this repository are under the MIT license as specified by the LICENSE file. Unzip the file and rename it as img. [PDF] [Project], Analogical Image Translation for Fog Generation. arxiv 2021. python test.py --name deepfashionHD --dataset_mode deepfashionHD --dataroot dataset/deepfashionHD --PONO --PONO_C --no_flip --batchSize 8 --gpu_ids 0 --netCorr NoVGGHPM --nThreads 16 --nef 32 --amp --display_winsize 512 --iteration_count 5 --load_size 512 --crop_size 512, running "Inference Using Pretrained Model" ,but I get an error like the one below. [Github] [PDF], DTN: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation. TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object, Few-shot Image Generation via Cross-domain Correspondence Utkarsh Ojha, Yijun Li, Jingwan Lu, Alexei A. Efros, Yong Jae Lee, Eli Shechtman, Richard Zh, Reference-Based-Sketch-Image-Colorization-ImageNet This is a PyTorch implementation of CVPR 2020 paper (Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization usin, Realistic Full-Body Anonymization with Surface-Guided GANs This is the official, Image Quality Evaluation Metrics Implementation of some common full reference image quality metrics. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request. Hao Tang, Song Bai, Nicu Sebe. arxiv 2021. Interactive Sketch & Fill: Multiclass Sketch-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [GitHub] arxiv 2020. At each hierarchy, the correspondence can be efficiently computed via PatchMatch that iteratively leverages the matchings from the neighborhood. [Github] [PDF]. COCO-FUNIT: Few-Shot Unsupervised Image Translation with a Content Conditioned Style Encoder. TPAMI 2020. [PDF] [Github] Dina Bashkirova, Ben Usman, Kate Saenko. [PDF][Github] Yunfei Liu, Haofei Wang, Yang Yue, Feng Lu. LPTN: High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network. BMVC 2017. [PDF] [Github] [Project], Preserving Semantic and Temporal Consistency for Unpaired Video-to-Video Translation. IJCAI 2022. ManiFest: Manifold Deformation for Few-shot Image Translation. PISE: Person Image Synthesis and Editing with Decoupled GAN. Panoptic-Aware Image-to-Image Translation. Fabio Pizzati, Jean-Franois Lalonde, Raoul de Charette. A Closed-Form Solution to Universal Style Transfer. Activating mini sunpass. Prajwal Renukanand, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Jerin Philip, Abhishek Jha, Vinay Namboodiri and C.V. Jawahar. FlexIT: Towards Flexible Semantic Image Translation. Alex Andonian, Taesung Park, Bryan Russell, Phillip Isola, Jun-Yan Zhu, Richard Zhang. Zak Murez, Soheil Kolouri, David Kriegman, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Kyungnam Kim.. Tristan Bepler, Ellen Zhong, Kotaro Kelley, Edward Brignole, Bonnie Berger.*. file in archive is not in a subdirectory archive/: latest_net_D.pth, net['netCorr'] = util.load_network(net['netCorr'], 'Corr', opt.which_epoch, opt). [PDF] [Github] [Project] [PDF] [Github] We use OpenPose to estimate pose of DeepFashion(HD). QS-Attn: Query-Selected Attention for Contrastive Learning in I2I Translation. [PDF] ICPR 2020. Aviv Gabbay, Yedid Hoshen. Sai Bi, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Federico Perazzi, Eli Shechtman, Vladimir G. Kim, Ravi Ramamoorthi. [PDF][Project] [Unofficial] Download them all and move below the folder data/. InstaFormer: Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer. Note the file name is img_highres.zip. arxiv 2022. Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, Fang Wen. Closing the Loop: Joint Rain Generation and Removal via Disentangled Image Translation. [PDF] CVPR 2017. [PDF], Implicit Pairs for Boosting Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Sifan Song, Daiyun Huang, Yalun Hu, Chunxiao Yang, Jia Meng, Fei Ma, Jiaming Zhang, Jionglong Su. what is edgar xbrl validation errors and warnings. Fine-grained Image-to-Image Transformation towards Visual Recognition. The test results are as follows. [PDF] [Github] Xueqi Hu, Xinyue Zhou, Qiusheng Huang, Zhengyi Shi, Li Sun, Qingli Li. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [emailprotected] with any additional questions or comments. Fei Yang, Yaxing Wang, Luis Herranz, Yongmei Cheng, Mikhail Mozerov. Bibliographic details on CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. We present a general framework for exemplar-based image . Few-shot Image Generation via Cross-domain Correspondence. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. [PDF] [Project], Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation with Adaptive Inference Graph. [PDF] Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Adversarial Consistency Loss. [PDF] Zhiwei Jia, Bodi Yuan, Kangkang Wang, Hong Wu, David Clifford, Zhiqiang Yuan, Hao Su. Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation." help us. What's the problem? The Spatially-Correlative Loss for Various Image Translation Tasks. In summary, this work aims to make two contributions: (1) Everybody Dance Now. Aviv Gabbay, Yedid Hoshen. TMM 2021. Yaxing Wang, Salman Khan, Abel Gonzalez-Garcia, Joost van de Weijer, Fahad Shahbaz Khan. [PDF], Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Transfer Learning of StyleGAN. arxiv 2021. The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. He has since then inculcated very effective writing and reviewing culture at pythonawesome which rivals have found impossible to imitate. Tamar Rott Shaham, Michael Gharbi, Richard Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Tomer Michaeli. File "train.py", line 21, in ICLR 2017. Cookie Notice Run the following command for training from scratch. Guan-Horng Liu, Arash Vahdat, De-An Huang, Evangelos A. Theodorou, Weili Nie, Anima Anandkumar. However the primary functions of a logistics officer are listed below: Carry out packing, crating, and warehousing, and storage duties in preparation for site-specific program and shipment. [PDF] [PDF] [arxiv] [project] (An extended version of SelectionGAN published in CVPR2019) [PDF] [Githtub], CDGAN: Cyclic Discriminative Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Transformation. Po-Wei Wu, Yu-Jing Lin, Che-Han Chang, Edward Y. Chang, Shih-Wei Liao. markdown format: Linfeng Zhang, Xin Chen, Runpei Dong, Kaisheng Ma. In this paper, we propose a multi-feature contrastive learning method. CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation, This is a recurring payment that will happen monthly, If you exceed more than 500 images, they will be charged at a rate of $5 per 500 images. [PDF] IJCNN 2019. Your SunPass needs a minimum of. [PDF], Global and Local Alignment Networks for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. CoCosNet v2: Full-Resolution Correspondence Learning for Image Translation. NeurIPS 2020. arxiv 2022. Download the pretrained VGG model from this link, move it to vgg/ folder. NeurIPS 2017. Abstract We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. [PDF] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR oral), 2021. Prasun Roy, Saumik Bhattacharya, Subhankar Ghosh, Umapada Pal. arxiv 2020. [PDF], RL-GAN: Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. [PDF] [Project] [Github] Hsin-Ying Lee, Hung-Yu Tseng, Qi Mao, Jia-Bin Huang, Yu-Ding Lu, Maneesh Singh, Ming-Hsuan Yang. Kaihong Wang, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu. Jianxin Lin, Yingce Xia, Yijun Wang, Tao Qin, Zhibo Chen. dataset/DeepFashionHD. Tianyang Shi, Zhengxia Zou, Yi Yuan, Changjie Fan. [PDF] GANHopper: Multi-Hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. Can you provide configuration files for the other datasets mentioned in the paper? Model-Aware Gesture-to-Gesture Translation. Jiaze Sun, Binod Bhattarai, Tae-Kyun Kim. Ben Usman, Nick Dufour, Kate Saenko, Chris Bregler. arxiv 2022. Within each PatchMatch iteration, the ConvGRU module is employed to refine the current correspondence considering not only the matchings of larger context but also the historic estimates. Yuntong Ye, Yi Chang, Hanyu Zhou, Luxin Yan. NeurIPS 2020. Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pan Zhang, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, Fang Wen. full resolution correspondence learning for image translation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that We offer the keypoints detection results used in our experiment in this link. Enjoy Your Editing: Controllable GANs for Image Editing via Latent Space Navigation. translation. Qing Jin, Jian Ren, Oliver J. Woodford, Jiazhuo Wang, Geng Yuan, Yanzhi Wang, Sergey Tulyakov. Hanting Chen, Yunhe Wang, Han Shu, Changyuan Wen, Chunjing Xu, Boxin Shi, Chao Xu, Chang Xu. [PDF] [Project], Dual Diffusion Implicit Bridges for Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] [PDF] arxiv 2021. [PDF] [Official Tensorflow] [Pytorch] [photo2cartoon] [Morph UGATIT]. With a comprehensive array of features and a user-friendly platform, Monday aims to support teachers, directors, and students in delivering and receiving the best education possible. A collection of awesome resources image-to-image translation. Tex2Shape: Detailed Full Human Body Geometry From a Single Image. Unsupervised Multi-Modal Image Registration via Geometry Preserving Image-to-Image Translation. ASAPNet: Spatially-Adaptive Pixelwise Networks for Fast Image Translation. [Github] [PDF], Face-Age-cGAN: Face Aging With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. [PDF] iteratively leverages the matchings from the neighborhood. [PDF], Attention-Based Spatial Guidance for Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] (we used Pytorch 1.7.0 in our experiments). [PDF] [PDF]. arxiv 2022. [PDF] [Project] [Github], Distilling GANs with Style-Mixed Triplets for X2I Translation with Limited Data. [PDF] [Project], MCMI: Multi-Cycle Image Translation with Mutual Information Constraints. [PDF] [Github] TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation. [PDF] Yunjey Choi, Minje Choi, Munyoung Kim, Jung-Woo Ha, Sunghun Kim, Jaegul Choo. [PDF], StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation. Somi Jeong, Youngjung Kim, Eungbean Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn. Experiments on diverse translation tasks show our approach performs considerably better than state-of-the-arts on producing high-resolution images. [PDF] [Github] Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Nicu Sebe, Yanzhi Wang, Jason J. Corso, Yan Yan. [PDF] [Github], Improving Style-Content Disentanglement in Image-to-Image Translation. FUNIT: Few-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. Detection. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2020). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. arxiv 2022. Or fastest delivery Wed, Nov 2. author = {Zhou, Xingran and Zhang, Bo and Zhang, Ting and Zhang, Pan and Bao, Jianmin and Chen, Dong and Zhang, Zhongfei and Wen, Fang}, Qiusheng Huang, Xueqi Hu, Li Sun, Qingli Li. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the fine levels. [PDF] [PDF] [Github], Semi-Supervised Image-to-Image Translation using Latent Space Mapping. [PDF], Learning to Caricature via Semantic Shape Transform. DSI2I: Dense Style for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Omry Sendik, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. [PDF] [Github] Wenshuang Liu, Wenting Chen, Linlin Shen. [PDF] [Github] Mu Cai, Hong Zhang, Huijuan Huang, Qichuan Geng, Gao Huang. WACV 2021. Xinyang Li, Shengchuan Zhang, Jie Hu, Liujuan Cao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xudong Mao, Feiyue Huang, Yongjian Wu, Rongrong Ji. After the questions are adequately addressed, the CRN number is issued by each jurisdiction and the initial province of review returns the full CRN number to the submitter. sinners in the hands of an angry god analysis worksheet / bacnet object types table / bacnet object types table [PDF] [Github], Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation via Pre-trained StyleGAN2 Network. RuntimeError: [enforce fail at C:\cb\pytorch_1000000000000\work\caffe2\serialize\inline_container.cc:231] . Mohamed Abderrahmen Abid, Ihsen Hedhli, Jean-Franois Lalonde, Christian Gagne. dataset/DeepFashionHD. Domain Adaptive Image-to-image Translation. Reversible GANs for Memory-efficient Image-to-Image Translation. Long-Term Temporally Consistent Unpaired Video Translation from Simulated Surgical 3D Data. 10 25 Australia Oceania Place 25 comments Best kalmia440 4 yr. arxiv 2021. Peihao Zhu, Rameen Abdal, Yipeng Qin, Peter Wonka. Joonyoung Song, Jong Chul Ye. Download and unzip the results file. Hao Tang, Song Bai, Li Zhang, Philip H. S. Torr, Nicu Sebe. Thank you and wish you success in your scientific research! The proposed CoCosNet v2, a GRU-assisted PatchMatch approach, is fully differentiable and highly efficient. [PDF] [Github] WACV 2020. We use this model to calculate training loss. pages = {11465-11475} Weichen Fan, Jinghuan Chen, Jiabin Ma, Jun Hou, Shuai Yi. Yuan Xue, Zihan Zhou, Xiaolei Huang. Make sure you have prepared the DeepfashionHD dataset as the instruction. [PDF] [Github] [PDF] Not Just Compete, but Collaborate: Local Image-to-Image Translation via Cooperative Mask Prediction. ICML 2017. arxiv 2021. Art2Real: Unfolding the Reality of_Artworks via Semantically-Aware Image-To-Image Translation. Our method is a one-sided mapping method for unpaired image-to-image translation, considering enhancing the performance of the generator and discriminator. [PDF] [PDF], EDIT: Exemplar-Domain Aware Image-to-Image Translation. These CVPR 2021 papers are the Open Access versions, provided by the. Fleet, Mohammad Norouzi. When jointly trained with image translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an unsupervised manner, which in turn facilitates the exemplar-based image translation. We use 8 32GB Tesla V100 GPUs to train the network. Unsupervised Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis. Intuitive, Interactive Beard and Hair Synthesis with Generative Models. Also, welcome to refer to our CoCosNet v1: John was the first writer to have joined pythonawesome.com. The code is developed based on the PyTorch framework, RGB2NIR_Experimental This repository contains several image-to-image translation models, whcih were tested for RGB to NIR image generation. A Style-aware Discriminator for Controllable Image Translation. [PDF] 0,00 full resolution correspondence learning for image translation . RelGAN: Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via Relative Attributes. Springer Machine Vision and Applications 2021. NeurIPS 2017. [PDF] [Project] [Github] Hao Su, Jianwei Niu, Xuefeng Liu, Qingfeng Li, Jiahe Cui, Ji Wan. [PDF] [Github], DEEPSim: Deep Single Image Manipulation. ReversibleGANs for Memory-Efficient ImageTo Image Translation. We adopt a hierarchical strategy that uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the finer levels with the proposed GRU-assisted PatchMatch. Zhengxia Zou, Tianyang Shi, Shuang Qiu, Yi Yuan, Zhenwei Shi. [PDF], Multi-Channel Attention Selection GANs for Guided Image-to-Image Translation. arxiv 2019. Md Mahfuzur Rahman Siddiquee, Zongwei Zhou, Nima Tajbakhsh, Ruibin Feng, Michael B. Gotway, Yoshua Bengio, Jianming Liang. [PDF] [Github], Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Networks With Cross-Model Weight Transfer Mechanism for Image-to-Image Translation. Have in mind that things like what and when you publish will change the results you get. When jointly trained with image Elad Richardson, Yuval Alaluf, Or Patashnik, Yotam Nitzan, Yaniv Azar, Stav Shapiro, Daniel Cohen-Or. Qi Mao, Hsin-Ying Lee, Hung-Yu Tseng, Jia-Bin Huang, Siwei Ma, Ming-Hsuan Yang. [PDF] Hao Tang, Dan Xu, Gaowen Liu, Wei Wang, Nicu Sebe, Yan Yan. Zili Yi, Hao Zhang, Ping Tan, Minglun Gong. Hanbit Lee, Jinseok Seol, Sang-goo Lee. [PDF] Experiments on diverse translation tasks show that CoCosNet v2 performs considerably better than state-of-the-art literature on producing high . Ivan Anokhin, Pavel Solovev, Denis Korzhenkov, Alexey Kharlamov, Taras Khakhulin, Gleb Sterkin, Alexey Silvestrov, Sergey Nikolenko, Victor Lempitsky. 1st row: exemplar images, 2nd row: generated images. TraVeLGAN: Image-To-Image Translation by Transformation Vector Learning. Matthew Amodio, Smita Krishnaswamy. [PDF], Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-realistic, Better Identity-preserving. LGGAN: Local Class-Specific and Global Image-Level Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic-Guided Scene Generation. Wayne Wu, Kaidi Cao, Cheng Li, Chen Qian, Chen Change Loy. [PDF] Pan Zhang, Bo Zhang, Dong Chen, Lu Yuan, Fang Wen. arxiv 2020. Flow-based Image-to-Image Translation with Feature Disentanglement. Tengfei Wang, Ting Zhang, Bo Zhang, Hao Ouyang, Dong Chen, Qifeng Chen, Fang Wen. TIP 2019 (ACCV 2018 Extension) [PDF] [GitHub], SMIT: Stochastic Multi-Label Image-to-Image Translation. arxiv 2022. [PDF], Image-to-Image Translation with Multi-Path Consistency Regularization. Style-Guided and Disentangled Representation for Robust Image-to-Image Translation. Yang Zhao, Changyou Chen. [PDF] VR Facial Animation via Multiview Image Translation. Deblina Bhattacharjee, Seungryong Kim, Guillaume Vizier, and Mathieu Salzmann. arxiv 2022. For example xxx_ref.txt and xxx_ref_test.txt, as provided by CoCosNet v1. We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. Eitan Richardson, Yair Weiss. performs considerably better than state-of-the-arts on producing @InProceedings{Zhou_2021_CVPR, [PDF] [Github], BalaGAN: Image Translation Between Imbalanced Domains via Cross-Modal Transfer. [PDF] NeurIPS 2021. [PDF], A Novel Application of Image-to-Image Translation: Chromosome Straightening Framework by Learning from a Single Image. [PDF], Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications. Overview Dual-Resolution Correspondence Network Dual-Resolution Correspondence Network, NeurIPS 2020 Dependency All dependencies are included in asset/dualrcnet.yml. uses the correspondence from coarse level to guide the finer levels. Yael Vinker, Eliahu Horwitz, Nir Zabari, Yedid Hoshen. University of Science and Technology of China Abstract and Figures We present the full-resolution correspondence learning for cross-domain images, which aids image translation. [PDF][Github] Hiroshi Sasaki, Chris G. Willcocks, Toby P. Breckon. full resolution correspondence learning for image translation Samet Hicsonmez, Nermin Samet, Emre Akbas, Pinar Duygulu. [PDF] [PDF] [Project] [Github], Palette: Image-to-Image Diffusion Models. BMVC 2021 (Oral). Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation. Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Rongliang Wu, Kaiwen Cui, Aoran Xiao, Shijian Lu, Ling Shao. [PDF] [Project] [Github] SIGGRAPH 2022. Exploring Patch-Wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks. Yaxing Wang, Joost van de weijer, Lu Yu, Shangling Jui. arxiv 2023. ICIP 2017. SPatchGAN: A Statistical Feature Based Discriminator for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation. PuppetGAN: Cross-domain Image Manipulation by Demonstration. Thiemo Alldieck, Gerard Pons-Moll, Christian Theobalt, Marcus Magnor. Download the pretrained model from this link. UCTGAN: Diverse Image Inpainting Based on Unsupervised Cross-Space Translation. translation, full-resolution semantic correspondence can be established in an EGSDE: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Energy-Guided Stochastic Differential Equations. (we used Pytorch 1.7.0 in our experiments). Within each PatchMatch iteration, the ConvGRU module is employed to refine the current correspondence considering not only the matchings of larger context but also the historic estimates. Mor Avi-Aharon, Assaf Arbelle, Tammy Riklin Raviv. [PDF] [Github], A Domain Gap Aware Generative AdversarialNetwork for Multi-domain Image Translation. arxiv 2020. [PDF] [GitHub] Since the original resolution of DeepfashionHD is 750x1101, we use a Python script to process the images to the resolution 512x512. Clova AI Research, NAVER Corp. GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs. Attack As the Best Defense: Nullifying Image-to-Image Translation GANs via Limit-Aware Adversarial Attack. Oren Katzir, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or. [PDF] Jun-Yan Zhu, Richard Zhang, Deepak Pathak, Trevor Darrell, Alexei A. Efros, Oliver Wang, Eli Shechtman. [PDF], SuperStyleNet: Deep Image Synthesis with Superpixel Based Style Encoder. Jiaming Song, [PDF] TransferI2I: Transfer Learning for Image-to-Image Translation From Small Datasets. Yuda Song, Hui Qian, Xin Du. Applications of virtual reality include entertainment (particularly video games), education (such as medical or military training) and business (such as virtual meetings).Other distinct types of VR-style technology include augmented reality . Chao Yang, Taehwan Kim, Ruizhe Wang, Hao Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo. You signed in with another tab or window. Pauliina Paavilainen, Saad Ullah Akram, Juho Kannala. Sanjana Sinha, Sandika Biswas, Brojeshwar Bhowmick. ACM MM 2019. Zhiwei Jia, Bodi Yuan, Kangkang Wang, Hong Wu, David Clifford, Zhiqiang Yuan, Hao Su. [PDF] [PDF], Semantic Map Injected GAN Training for Image-to-Image Translation. Maximum Spatial Perturbation Consistency for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. Kancharagunta Kishan Babu, Shiv Ram Dubey. Yaniv Taigman, Adam Polyak, Lior Wolf. Dongwook Lee, Junyoung Kim, Won-Jin Moon, Jong Chul Ye. Fangneng Zhan, Yingchen Yu, Rongliang Wu, Jiahui Zhang, Shijian Lu, Changgong Zhang.