The green, or emerald, fire comes forth from the third-eye chakra and indicates a manifestation of truth and abundance. We can make this contact through meditation upon the Buddha or the Christ, both of whom have given us the key to unlocking the crown chakra, which is the yellow center. with no assistance. However, the emission spectrum may not have significant spectral lines in the human eye visible range and that would require some checking on your part. And please feel free to check out these free online lessons: On contact with the violet flame, this dense substance is cleansed, purified, and restored to its native purity. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. I look forward to hearing from you! just started and my energy is better, my openess towards the heavens is better, my dreams are different. The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. We generally begin our decrees by saying, In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and include our favorite masters and saints. 3. The preamble to a decree is like an invitation. We dont have Gods kingdom on earth as yet. This is a beautiful way to connect with healing on all levels, dimensions and aspects to fully transmute anything thats making us unwell. Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. I saw a being fly into or through or by my third eye while interiorized and I asked my pendulum if it was St. Germain and got a yes! It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and changes negative energy into positive energy. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God. Was he wearing modern day clothing? As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. Once your problem has been dissolved by the violet flame, you can begin closing your meditation session. Let me know your experiences with this meditation in the comments below. For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. During his first revelations about the Violet Flame, Saint Germain has said The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet. (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p. 20). When it did, I all of a sudden saw/felt this intense violet light in my chest. )the negative energy attacks are now less severe. Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. When you become aware of it, the karma (positive and negative) of that life comes to the surface. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I really like the visual meditation. I also have heart palpitations. Very timely too. Thus, the Violet Flame is used for the erasing, or the transmutation, of those . But when you close your eyes and concentrate on the energy center between your eyebrows, you can sometimes see the violet flame at work with your inner eye. Many refer to this energy as negative karma. Saint Germain is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as the voice of the Seventh Angel that is teaching our souls to come up higher. I am feeling extremely weak. When you use violet flame decrees, you are commanding the flow of energy from spirit to matter. Color has been known for centuries as a powerful tool to prepare our states of mind, change our moods, emotions, and feelings. Thank you so much!! : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. He was a French philosopher, inventor, courtier, pianist, violinist, and poet. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. One thing about Violet Flame for them to be effective you have to have faith they really work to clear wrong energies and you cant keep letting that inner outerself self talk when appearances of aches and limitations come to turn your thoughts to the negative as this cancels the benefits you get from the decree. A few of the classic books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul and Prophesy for a New Millennium, are available for free on this site to help you accelerate your spiritual path. A violet flame is a guide for self-transformation, but we must find the right mindset to make it work. It can extend from beneath your feet to well over the top of your head. Some repeat them diligently for months before they have any confirmation that the decrees are working. Please email back, I think you will appreciate the teachings that will come to you each day for thirty days. I took Christie Sheldons INtuitive Course and can clear peoples subconscious imprints that are still affecting them today and during the course cleared a lot of my own remaining baggage. The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not and also is not always friendly to the light. Heaven has a just in time delivery system. We face intense challenges so we are given the miracle of the violet flame to help us transmute the past and to create a new world. My apologies for a very late response, a reply mechanism was not working. The most dangerous flame would be the most toxic., Yes, I would love to stay # is: 705-515-1000 I am so very happy for you! We can affirm that heavenly kingdom through our work with the violet flame. REmember we are trying to become one again with the Father and our Christed Self so its also about enjoying the communion that takes place with the divine however the divine graces us! Rubidium chloride, rubidium hydroxide, and rubidium iodide are water soluble. By reading this article, you will learn the following: The violet light is the seventh ray of the divine light, which splits into seven colors or rays. Last year I did Christie Sheldons Intuition Course and learned how to use the pendulum answering questions and also clearing and transmuting my subconscious bank of false beliefs. Sword. In a sudden emergency, such as a fire or a calamity within the household, the quietness of the aura would be disturbed. Thank you for your wonderful letter and heart. Violet Flame not only cleanses you, however, it also helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development also. The violet flame can literally consume the negative layers of energy within and between the very atoms of your being. It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. World events and changes appear to be are happening at lightning speed. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew of it as the power of Gods mercy to change hearts and the world around them. Scarlet. You have the capacity to draw enormous quantities of energy from your I AM Presence to stabilize conditions that might, for instance, be burdening others within your household. I have no karma as Yoganandas has taken it all from me. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. I am eternally grateful! Both mentioned the violet flame. Invoking spiritual energy through the use of dynamic decrees, visualization and divine feeling is also a great key that I would not overlook. If youve ever seen a popular depiction of an alchemist, witch or magi, theres often a concoction being mixed up in a fire, with the flame turning into a violet color when the potion is successful. We get spiritual experiences because of our spiritual work and connection to the Presence. A human being ascends once he reaches the Sixth Initiation level known as ascension. Any guidence? However, the question about being an invoker made me feel uneasy, as if it was a permanent decision that had dark/unknown consequences. Thoughts and feelings have a vibration. Now the book may have a 4th part with the violet flame! help me! Since doing them I am now at 10 with all 3 plumes balance per my intuition using the pendulum. It refers to the full union of a human being with his Mighty I AM Presence.. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. Hi, I had a dream that I think involved this flame and wanted to know what you thought of it because I have not been able to stop thinking about it. I then had a thought one day..maybe this isnt an awakening maybe its my health. Was the energy positive, peaceful and loving? Went to Chiropractors, Osteopath, doctors.many was awful . Enter into the 30 Day Violet Flame Challenge! Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. Saint Germain was an ascended master, a legendary Theosophical spiritual leader, and the Chohan of the violet flame. Paula, my dear friend paula, so nice to find this website and read your messages I live in florida and would love to speak with you someday ! Keep this visualization in mind while you are decreeing and throughout the day. . I have had 3 experiences with St. Germain visiting me: while interiorized a being flew by or into my third eye area, while interiorized lying down for an hour doing decrees I heard inside me Thank You, and one time while meditating I saw a ethereal face come to me at my third eye. The trek to the top of the mountain is worth the inconvenience.-EM. Violet flame decrees are an all-consuming spiritual fire. I think its just encouragement that you are doing it right and on the right track. In this theory, the Violet Flame is a technique to help you purify your life. If everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, then each color carries its own wavelength and specific properties. I hope you will sign up for the Violet Flame Challenge. I am confident, youve a great readers base already! I focus on a picture of MOTHER while doing my daily decrees. These chakras amplify the frequencies of consciousness that manifest as the violet light and the white light. The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! The Violet Consuming Flame GOD'S PURIFYING FLAME OF DIVINE LOVE By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. But man can and does escape these conditions, overcoming through the same glorious victory that brings forth the lotus in the swamplands of life.I want you to understand, then, that by a simple act of invoking the light of the Christ consciousness, man can overcome the ugly chartreuse green of jealousy and resentment, the muddied yellow of selfish intellectualism, the crimson reds of passion, and even the almost violet-black attempts of self-righteous justification. -. Hi I started using Violet flame last year. Hi I started using Violet flame last year. Keep this visualization in your head while reciting the decree. The root cause of all diseases comes from you and how you lived your life in this life and a past life and the beliefs, stories, and narratives you live your life that are not Spiritual Truths but rather duality falsehoods of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. We came from the Light and Light is energy not physical manifestation and to be whole we need to return to our true state of being Light and Love! They both deliver the gift of freedom, justice, mercy, fresh energy, and a new civilization. Sorry, comments are closed for this post. Im healing. All the best! Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. I was in my home cleaning, as I moved to my kitchen and was busy cleaning I felt a presence and when I turned I saw a man sitting on a chair smiling at me. The violet flame works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds and is the key to individual and world transmutation. Also on my search I read articles about awakening and that added fear Allow for the Freedom to come to the elemental kingdom. Negative choices cause negative energy to build up in ourselves, our cells, our psychology, and creates our limitations. Those who have green in the aura are devoted to science and to the practical application of that science. Or you may just have the impression that you were in a particular time or place. The fear only made my symptoms worse. It is the energy of transmutation. Violet flame is an absolut must do for each an everyone. I am telling people about this as my pendulum does tell me that this violet flame is higher tool from God than even the Kriya Yoga technique I do. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound. From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. You can make a specific request for the transmutation of whatever mental, emotional or physical problems you are working on in your life. One thing you might want to look at is the throat chakra since you had issues with the area which may be issues with communication, trust, and speaking your Truth. Violet Flame never is the cause of any dis-ease in the physical body, or mental or emotional bodies. I dont know what my throat Chakra would want me to say as Im quite vocallol But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. You may begin with a few, slow deep breaths before invoking the light with the violet flame decree. The violet flame is also been used to protect our house and pets against the negative energies, and the results are fabulous. We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. Did he have a glow about him? Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! I went through this process starting at age of 45 when my appendix ruptured then digestive issues, and now joint lower back, knee pain and ribcage tightness. Hi I signed up but have yet to receive an email from you Nikki, I just saw your email here. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. My body is still covered over to some degree, but I go into the Sacred Fire and meditations daily. We have the free will to qualify Gods energy coming to us. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Color is a manifestation of frequency, and frequency is a manifestation of consciousness, or one's state of consciousness. I never forgot this and I always wanted to share with a group try to understand this experience. Around this violet-flame pillar, you can see your tube of light, an even bigger pillar of white light that protects and seals the violet flame. So you still have blockages there and they are emotionally and spiritually based and the Chiropractor is not the doctor to clear those items only your Beloved I AM Presence and you! Once you open it, you will want to roll up your sleeves, spend your time serving life and make calls to the violet-flame angels each day to transmute the karmic debris. We too can also fail or fall if we dont have the protection that helps our momentum to keep going and smooths out the roughs spots so we have less difficulties. What is the Second Chakra and How Can It Help Me? It is definitely safe to harness the power of this healing method yourself. Once you start, keep on going. I Am a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires. Dear Priya, We all know this. The base-of-the-spine chakra, the Mother center, gives forth the pure white light when its energies are held in the purity of Alpha and OmegaAlpha and Omega being symbolical of the divine polarity of the masculine and feminine energies that are concentrated in each chakra. I loved all the comments above. Like they were more experienced. If the intention you set in step one is not a personal one, but a social or global one, bring the image of the external problem into your violet flame. Violet Flame thou Love Divine, Blaze within this heart of mine, Thou Art Mercy for every true, Keep me always in tune with you in love with you!!! I am so smitten by God I want to know everything about God! It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. We welcome you to try the decrees and meditations on our Violet Flame Resources page. Something felt wrong about it. Try different words, always starting with I AM the Violet Flame to create your own decrees and find whichever provides you the most healing. I too do other healing energy work. With the 30-day Violet Flame Challenge you build a daily experience with the violet flame: This article was taken from the bookViolet Flame to Heal Body Mind and Soulby Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. This happens on a group level too, in communities, countries and the world. I meditate morning and night doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga, and the rest of the day I am doing Sacred Fire Decrees and Mantras which are like Japa Yoga to me. Having followed the masters and using the violet flame for many years, I can tell you without equivocation it is miraculous. So give your decrees with joy and gusto and know that when you call to Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, they will immediately be at your side. with love, Paula. The consciousness of the people of earth is being reborn and the spiritual fires of freedom are blessing each one, each family, each nation and the world. Even more powerfully, we can affirm the energy of the violet flame into our lives by means of the Science of the Spoken Word. Violet light in the aura, then, denotes that the soul is free to commune with God. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. I am so glad my soul nudge me to google violet flame! NT$ 756 - NT$ 1,017. It's best to decree in a place dedicated to spiritual work, such as a chapel or a well-lit, clean and aired room. Be Connected. Hello Lin can you give a little more information on the experience? I am so glad for you. For eighty years, Saint Germain and the Masters have been preparing the world to enter into the Age of Aquarius, the spiritual era when peace, enlightenment and freedom become more possible. Now, Saint Germain reveals, As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercys love. It just gets better and better. I felt that they knew more than I did. Is that all he did just stared at you and smiled? 23 comments Gail valley says: July 12, 2018 at 6:20 PM. I was doing the decrees inside me throughout this event. My email is if you would like to connect! Discover the Secret of the Violet Flame. Shield. I had lost my job, but was in process to retrain and go back to school. Blessings, Paula. The first step to healing is your desire to do so~~ For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. Now I use a pendulum and it tells me if I should get it checked or not. Healing is a personal journey of self-discovery and there are many ways of healing our broken heart. Why, with the violet flame in hand and heart as floral offering and as alchemist's kit, you never know what is just beyond the next turn in the road or the next wind in the mountain! We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! I AM the purity God desires!. Thats it! And to go see specific Chiropractor. I was not interested or curious enough till I purchase the Pleiadian Workbook workbook in October last year and took my Reiki Master course in Summer. The Violet Flame is here to assist the energetic transition of Gaia and humanity into the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher. The violet flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used as a catalyst for our spiritual journeys. Just as color reflects consciousness, so color amplifies consciousness. These Be Inspired. Most people don't see the violet flame in action with their physical eyes. I was guided to set up a Foundation for Higher Spiritual Learning in 2013 in Elmvale, Onwhere I AM Presence , Clare Prophet books are sold and classed are held the last 3 Tues. from 6:30 8:30 @ Be-Still Bridge of Light Bookstore, 6 Queen St. W. Elmvle, On 705-515-1000. I do dowsing and asked if what I wrote came from me or my I AM Presence above me and I Am getting its my I AM Presence. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. Also called the Flame of Transmutation, the Flame of Mercy, the Flame of Freedom,and the Flame of Forgiveness,the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative karma or blockages. You may see these flames burning through karmic debris. I will email you after checking out your website. It took almost a year of misinformation , wrong tests, to find out I had nerve blockages in my cervical.