If a regulator attached to a cylinder valve will effectively stop a leak through the valve seat, the cylinder need not be removed from the work area. Note to paragraph (i). 0000009657 00000 n 1926 Subpart D - Occupational Health and Environmental Controls. 1926.417 - Lockout and tagging of circuits. 2 A Project Permit authorizes an employer serving as a Project Administrator to conduct permit-required activity at specific location (s) The basic precautions for fire prevention in welding or cutting work are: 1910.252 (a) (1) (i) Fire hazards. Oxygen cylinders and fittings shall be kept away from oil or grease. When electrode holders are left unattended, electrodes shall be removed and holders placed to prevent employee injury. 1926.22 - Recording and reporting of injuries. Valve protection caps shall not be used for lifting cylinders from one vertical position to another. Cylinders containing oxygen or acetylene or other fuel gas shall not be taken into confined spaces. When cylinders are hoisted, they shall be secured on a cradle, slingboard, or pallet. 1926.1437 - Floating cranes/derricks and land cranes/derricks on barges. 0000038376 00000 n Defective hose, or hose in doubtful condition, shall not be used. Drums and containers which contain or have contained flammable or combustible liquids shall be kept closed. Clogged torch tip openings shall be cleaned with suitable cleaning wires, drills, or other devices designed for such purpose. Oil and grease hazards. C [^. 1926.500 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. Overnight and at the change of shifts, the torch and hose shall be removed from the confined space. For additional details not covered in this subpart, applicable technical portions of American National Standards Institute, Z49.1-1967, Safety in Welding and Cutting, shall apply. a. OSHA amended 29 CFR Part 1960 to implement its "Multi-Employer Worksite Policy" in the federal sector, as stated in 60 Federal Register (FR) 35040. Cable lugs, where used as connectors, shall provide electrical contact. If this action does not stop the leak, the use of the cylinder shall be discontinued, and it shall be properly tagged and removed from the work area. 1926.354 - Welding, cutting, and heating in way of preservative coatings. Attendant means an individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces who assesses the status of authorized . Fuel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices which are equipped with shutoff valves without reducing the pressure through a suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. It may act as a source of ignition (fire) in the area where flammable material is placed or handled. 1917.152 - Welding, cutting and heating (hot work)[12] (See also 1917.2, definition of Hazardous cargo, materials, substance, or atmosphere). In confined or enclosed spaces, hot work involving the following metals shall only be performed with local exhaust ventilation meeting the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section or by employees wearing supplied air respirators in accordance with 1910.134; Zinc-bearing base or filler metals or metals coated with zinc-bearing materials; Metals containing lead other than as an impurity, or coated with lead-bearing materials; Cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals; and. 1926.552 - Material hoists, personnel hoists, and elevators. Before an employee enters the space, the internal atmosphere must be tested, with a calibrated direct-reading instrument, for oxygen content, for flammable gases and vapors, and for potential toxic air contaminants, in that order. Hot work. This section applies to all hot work operations, except as provided in subsections (a) (1) and (a) (2). Shall have valve protection caps in place except when in use, hooked up or secured for movement. Hot work means any activity in which flame, heat, or spark is generated. 1926.1421 - Signalsvoice signalsadditional requirements. 6, 1979, as amended at 55 FR 42328, Oct. 18, 1990; 58 FR 35179, June 30, 1993], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Highlights Oregon OSHA's additional confined space requirements (effective Sept. 1, 2022); describes employers' role in evaluating welding operations in a confined or permit space that is potentially hazardous. The employer must verify that the space is safe for entry and that the preentry measures required by paragraph (e)(2) of this section have been taken, through a written certification that contains the date, the location of the space, and the signature of the person providing the certification. Before hot work is commenced on surfaces covered by a preservative coating of unknown flammability, a test shall be made by a designated person to determine the coating's flammability. Welding & cutting operations, conducted outside authorized hot work areas, includes extensive procedures for fire prevention. 0000025889 00000 n Defective hose shall be removed from service. 1926.905 - Loading of explosives or blasting agents. A space classified by an employer as a permit-required confined space may only be reclassified as a non-permit confined space when a competent person determines that all of the applicable requirements in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section have been met: If the permit space poses no actual or potential atmospheric hazards and if all hazards within the space are eliminated or isolated without entry into the space (unless the employer can demonstrate that doing so without entry is infeasible), the permit space may be reclassified as a non-permit confined space for as long as the non-atmospheric hazards remain eliminated or isolated; The entry employer must eliminate or isolate the hazards without entering the space, unless it can demonstrate that this is infeasible. H\n0z 1926.1127 App A - Substance Safety Data Sheet - Cadmium, 1926.1127 App B - Substance Technical Guidelines for Cadmium, 1926.1127 App C - Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Testing Procedures, 1926.1127 App D - Occupational Health History Interview With Reference to Cadmium Exposure, 1926.1127 App E - Cadmium in Workplace Atmospheres, 1926.1127 App F - Nonmandatory Protocol for Biological Monitoring. 1926.758 - Systems-engineered metal buildings. 0000007871 00000 n Torches shall be inspected before each use for leaking shut-off valves, hose couplings and tip connections. The employer shall thoroughly instruct employees in the safe use of fuel gas, as follows: Before a regulator to a cylinder valve is connected, the valve shall be opened slightly and closed immediately. 0000054149 00000 n Assuming a hot work permit is required, it must be issued by a "Permit Authorizing Individual (PAI)." It is the responsibility of the department employing and supervising 1926.152 Flammable liquids. Fuel gas hose and oxygen hose shall be easily distinguishable from each other. 0000005020 00000 n 1926.95 - Criteria for personal protective equipment. Workers, supervisors, fire wardens, and contractors should be trained specific to their roles. Before it begins work at a worksite, each employer must ensure that a competent person identifies all confined spaces in which one or more of the employees it directs may work, and identifies each space that is a permit space, through consideration and evaluation of the elements of that space, including testing as necessary. HOT WORK SAFETY GUIDE . 0000007177 00000 n Employees exposed to radiation shall have their skin covered completely to prevent ultraviolet burns and damage. 1926.906 - Initiation of explosive charges-electric blasting. 1926.65 - Hazardous waste operations and emergency response. Surfaces prepared with chlorinated solvents shall be thoroughly dry before welding is performed on them. The precautions that the host employer, controlling contractor, or other entry employers implemented for the protection of employees in the permit spaces. 0000009131 00000 n 0000052089 00000 n 1926.904 - Storage of explosives and blasting agents. Hose connections shall be clamped or securely fastened to withstand twice the normal working pressure but not less than 300 p.s.i. 1926.432 - Environmental deterioration of equipment. In accordance with OSHA standards, contractors are required to apply for these permits through the company's permit-authorizing individual (PAI). 1926.1001 - Minimum performance criteria for rollover protective structures for designated scrapers, loaders, dozers, graders, crawler tractors, compactors, and rubber-tired skid steer equipment. Electrodes shall not be struck against a cylinder to strike an arc. A designated person shall test the atmosphere and determine that it is not hazardous before hot work is performed on or in such structures. In the case of manifolded or coupled cylinders, at least one such wrench shall always be available for immediate use. An OSHA "permit" is an employer-created and signed document that details the safeguards in place to protect an employee who's been assigned a particularly dangerous job function like working in a confined space, welding and cutting, or working on "live" electrical equipment. 1926.1203 (d) 0000006244 00000 n When not in use, manifold and header hose connections shall be capped. Inside of buildings, cylinders shall be stored in a well-protected, well-ventilated, dry location, at least 20 feet (6.1 m) from highly combustible materials such as oil or excelsior. Hoses having more than one gas passage shall not be used. They shall not be intentionally dropped, struck, or permitted to strike each other violently. Valves shall not be cracked if gas could reach possible sources of ignition; Cylinder valves shall be opened slowly to prevent regulator damage and shall not be opened more than 1 turns. Bulk sulphur is excluded from this prohibition if suitable precautions are followed, the person in charge is knowledgeable and the person performing the work has been instructed in preventing and extinguishing sulphur fires. The following terms are defined for the purposes of this subpart only: Acceptable entry conditions means the conditions that must exist in a permit space, before an employee may enter that space, to ensure that employees can safely enter into, and safely work within, the space.. When cylinders are transported by powered vehicles, they shall be secured in a vertical position. 0000019967 00000 n The controlling contractor must debrief each entity that entered a permit space regarding the permit space program followed and any hazards confronted or created in the permit space(s) during entry operations; The entry employer must inform the controlling contractor in a timely manner of the permit space program followed and of any hazards confronted or created in the permit space(s) during entry operations; and. Preservative coatings shall be considered highly flammable when scrapings burn with extreme rapidity. If filter lenses are used in goggles worn under the helmet, the shade numbers of both lenses equals the value shown in Table G-1 for the operation. A sign reading "DANGER-PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE, DO NOT ENTER" or using other similar language would satisfy the requirement for a sign. 1926.307 - Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. Read your safety permit carefully. Arc welding and cutting operations shall be separated from other operations by shields, screens, or curtains to protect employees in the vicinity from the direct rays and sparks of the arc. 0000006146 00000 n The cylinder valve shall always be opened slowly to prevent damage to the regulator. Arcs, sparks or heat at any point in the circuit shall cause rejection as a ground circuit. 1926.250 - General requirements for storage. 1926.1410 - Power line safety (all voltages)equipment operations closer than the Table A zone. 1926.954 - Personal protective equipment. 1926.352 (b) 1926.449 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. It serves as proof that the workers and others involved in the hot work are aware of the hazards of hot work and have implemented safety precautions to mitigate the hazards of the job. 0000004560 00000 n For Compliance With . 1926.1208 - Duties of authorized entrants. Boxes used for the storage of gas hose shall be ventilated. This Safe Work Permits eBook will cover important details of the following federal regulations, including definitions, key requirements, and exemptions (if any) to ensure safety compliance in the workplace. 1926.1203 (c) Each employer who identifies, or receives notice of, a permit space and has not authorized employees it directs to work in that space must take effective measures to prevent those employees from entering that permit space, in addition to complying with all other applicable requirements of this standard. The certification must be made before entry and must be made available to each employee entering the space or to that employee's authorized representative. Helmets and hand shields shall not have leaks, openings or highly reflective surfaces. A suitable cylinder truck, chain, or other steadying device shall be used to keep cylinders from being knocked over while in use. 1926.1405 - Disassemblyadditional requirements for dismantling of booms and jibs (applies to both the use of manufacturer procedures and employer procedures). 0000020449 00000 n For the elimination of possible fire in enclosed spaces as a result of gas escaping through leaking or improperly closed torch valves, the gas supply to the torch shall be positively shut off at some point outside the enclosed space whenever the torch is not to be used or whenever the torch is left unattended for a substantial period of time, such as during the lunch period. 1926.251 - Rigging equipment for material handling. OSHA has very specific regulations covering welding, brazing and cutting operations. Getting a hot work permit before performing hot work is just one of steps involved in a hot work . Note to paragraph (b)(1). Cylinders, whether full or empty, shall not be used as rollers or supports. If a plug or safety device leaks, the cylinder shall be tagged, removed from service, and moved to a location where the leak will not be hazardous. Open end fuel gas and oxygen hoses shall be immediately removed from enclosed spaces when they are disconnected from the torch or other gas-consuming device. 1926.1107 - 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts). 1926.1205 (b) Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit must sign the entry permit to authorize entry. "Hot work" means riveting, welding, flame cutting or other fire or spark-producing operation. Fill in the necessary boxes that are colored in yellow. Employees in areas not protected from the arc by screening shall be protected by appropriate filter lenses in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section. 1926.1406 - Assembly/Disassemblyemployer procedures--general requirements. 0000023710 00000 n Hot work shall not be performed in a confined space until a designated person has tested the atmosphere and determined that it is not hazardous. 1926.155 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.12 - Reorganization Plan No. 1926.1211 - Rescue and emergency services. 1926.1153 - Respirable crystalline silica. 1926.97 - Electrical protective equipment. 1926.914 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 0000006757 00000 n When you edit your document, you may need to add text, put on the date, and do other editing. Hot work includes cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, and any process involving the application of a naked flame. 1926.1205 (c) Hose which has been subject to flashback, or which shows evidence of severe wear or damage, shall be tested to twice the normal pressure to which it is subject, but in no case less than 300 p.s.i. (This action is generally termed "cracking" and is intended to clear the valve of dust or dirt that might otherwise enter the regulator.) 3. Employees performing hot work in confined or enclosed spaces involving beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be protected by local exhaust ventilation and wear supplied air respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus, in accordance with the requirements of 1910.134. 0000007213 00000 n Arc welding and cutting cables shall be insulated, flexible and capable of handling the maximum current required by the operations, taking into account the duty cycles. Hose connections shall be kept free of grease and oil. 1926.1153 App A - Methods of Sample Analysis, 1926.1153 App B - Medical Surveillance Guidelines, 1926 Subpart AA - Confined Spaces in Construction. 1926.965 - Underground electrical installations. 0000012747 00000 n 1926.1427 - Operator training, certification, and evaluation. Fires are often the result of the "quick five minute" job in areas not intended for welding or cutting. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses shall not be interchangeable. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Bars shall not be used under valves or valve protection caps to pry cylinders loose when frozen. Any precautions that the host employer or any previous controlling contractor or entry employer implemented for the protection of employees in the permit space. 1926.407 - Hazardous (classified) locations. Continuous forced air ventilation must be used, as follows: An employee must not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has eliminated any hazardous atmosphere; The forced air ventilation must be so directed as to ventilate the immediate areas where an employee is or will be present within the space and must continue until all employees have left the space; The air supply for the forced air ventilation must be from a clean source and must not increase the hazards in the space. Ask how long hot work permits are valid. The employer shall ensure that employees performing hot work in the open air that involves any of the metals listed in paragraphs (f)(3)(i) and (f)(3)(ii) of this section shall be protected by respirators in accordance with the requirements of 1910.134, and those working on beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be protected by supplied air respirators, in accordance with the requirements of 1910.134. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as Cal/OSHA, protects and improves the health and safety of working men and women in California and the safety of passengers riding on elevators, amusement rides, and tramways - through the following activities: Setting and enforcing standards Additional rules. 1926.1408 - Power line safety (up to 350 kV)equipment operations. Insulated connectors of equivalent capacity shall be used for connecting or splicing cable.