This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Contact. After 115 days away, James is back at home with his family. S.I Basketball; Flag Football; SI Girls Flag Football; Kickball; Brooklyn. Work on your tennis skills in a group setting with the JCC tennis instructor. We also have an outdoor sports field for rent. Staten Island basketball is a popular sport for many people in the New York City borough of Staten Island. This Staten Island County CYO League website is sponsored by the NY Archdiocese Catholic Youth Organization with the intention of enhancing the CYO experience for all involved. All Companies New Brunswick Public Schools (48) Steve & Kate's Camp (31) Exos (22) DREAM (21) Union County College (20) Jobs at Union County College (20) City Parks Foundation (17) Harlem Village Academies (17) The Community YMCA (15) YMCA of Greater New York (15) CHELSEA PIERS LP (14) Area Scouts (13) Dunellen School District (10) Rutgers University (10) i9 Sports - Central Morris, South . Timing Rules for CYO Games 2022-2023 Season. CO-ED: BOYS & GIRLS ARE WELCOME! has represented Cyprus youth teams at various levels up until now including appearances at EuroBasket U20 2013 averaging 12 points . We will get back to you as soon as possible. Each week your child will have 2 practices (Monday-Friday) and will play in 1-2 games (Friday-Sunday). Staten Island Basketball League Basketball Clubs 43 YEARS IN BUSINESS (718) 605-2189 727 Katan Ave staten island, NY 10312 3. Responsible high school students are welcome to join and will have their community service hours signed logged. Holy Child 6A. CYO Basketball remains the largest program. . Sign up to hear from us about updates and news! Brian Newmans 13 points offset the 13 of Joe Zieris as the Musketeers edged the Dolphins 24-22 in a Carl V. Bini Memorial Summer League boys 12s contest at Clove Lakes Park. Please see the below program tabs for more information or feel free to contact Nicholas DeLissio, Director of Sports and Recreation at, Monday - Members: $250 / Non-Members: $300, Wednesday - Members: $250 / Non-Members: $300, Monday and Wednesday - Members: $500 / Non-Members: $600. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Sacred Heart School-Champions off & on the court!!! Mondays and Wednesdays from 6pm - 9pm in the Bernikow Buildings Arts and Crafts Room, Fridays from 9am - 10:45am in the Bernikow Buildings 2nd Floor Gym A, Saturdays from 9am - 12pm in the Bernikow Buildings Arts and Crafts Room. Our Winter league offers an All-Star Program for all the cities to compete for the championship. 7th/8th Athletics - 2022 Summer Kick Ball Champions . The App includes all three rulebooks, exclusive rule interpretation videos, and automatic updates for future seasons. Includes pizza, coffee, drinks, paper goods and 2 hours of fun! Jtszd meg a legmagasabb szorzkat a 2023-03-02 00:30:00-i meccsre! It is basketball heaven for guys over 30.. Shootin' School. The goal of the NJB Stars is to develop well-rounded basketball players through the use of team and . OUR SERVICES FREEWeb Sites FREEOnline Registration Payment Processing LeagueLineup Pro & Elite Domain Names Background Checks The mission of Fastbreak is to serve and provide players of all ages and their families with the optimum basketball experience. It is through the commitment, time and effort of our volunteers and participantsthat we are able toachieve the CYO mission. St JSTSJN White 5A. Visit the Summer Open Gym Page for more information. For additional information, please call the Community Affairs Bureau's Youth Strategies Division at 718-312-5079 or email them at: Staten Island Basketball LG Basketball Clubs Website (718) 605-2189 8 112 Lindenwood Rd Staten Island, NY 10308 CLOSED NOW 2. The FREE Rulebook App contains the Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for all divisions of Baseball, Softball, and Challenger in one easy-to-use location. Application opening is . SNY Play Ball provides year-round support to youth baseball, softball, basketball and football programs in the Tri-State area through unique and comprehensive contributions including grant. Call us or go deeper into our website for more information on each age group. Each week, players meet with their assigned team where they learn everything about the game of football. Drop us a line to cheer us on! The welfare of the children that participate in this program will be our utmost priority. Call us for more Men's League information. BOYS V BOYS JV Schedule / Statistical Leaders / League Standings / Playoff Brackets / Rules & Regs All Boros At Bronx At Brooklyn At Manhattan At Queens At Staten Island Sun Feb 26 2023 Recent Events Brooklyn Details >> FOOTBALL BOYS V 12/11/2022 1:00 pm Erasmus Hall Campus vs Canarsie Educational Campus @ Springfield Gardens HS Field Please enter your comments and /or For the past four years, we have powerfully ministered to hundreds of young men from nearly every Public Housing Complex on Staten Island. Coach Nick dedicated his time to family as Join the NFL Flag Football Program, the largest youth flag football organization in the country! . The OLSS Summer league is the premier summer basketball league on Staten Island. It is the oldest and longest running group at the same location in the history of the New York City school system. Lightning Girls High School Tryouts. 2022-2023 Playoffs 2022 -2023 STATEN ISLAND BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Playoff Brackets by Seth Peloso posted 01/30/2023 Share 2023 - Cheerleading Competition Info Skip to Job Postings. For additional information on our 3v3 League, please contact Coach Louis Taccetta @ 646-662-4842. Sunday Parade Grounds . We are committed to provide these programs based on integrity, fair play and the right of all individuals to participate. In this league your child will try out and will be placed on a team that will play against teams from other parishes on Staten Island. . In the same division, Brandon Duprees 16 powered the Musketeers over S.I. SB4U is a Staten Island youth soccer club offering Recreational, Competitive and Indoor Soccer Programs, Futsal Training, Winter and Summer Camps, and Private Soccer Training. AGES: 8-12. . Signing up is quick and easy from your phone, computer or laptop. v. New York City Department of Education (Sports Equity Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement. Saturday Marine Park; 2. For more information, contact Coach Jeremy Panzella (Coach JP). It is a great workout and a highly competitive experience. Fri, Jun 30, 12:00 PM. The Staten Island Youth Soccer League was incorporated in 1978 to foster and develop youth sports for the Staten Island Soccer Community. In addition to a spring season, PSLL offers a summer league, summer camps, fall ball, and a winter skills clinic. All rights reserved (About Us). Gateway HS 910; ICSI HS 910; JCC Blue HS 910; JCC Yellow HS 910; OLGC HS 910; OLQP HS 910 The Center is minutes away from the West Shore Expressway, The Outerbridge Crossing and The New Jersey Turnpike. Staten Island Basketball League Basketball Clubs 42 YEARS IN BUSINESS (718) 605-2189 727 Katan Ave staten island, NY 10312 3. Staten Island Pee Wee Football League 225 Seaver Avenue Staten Island NY 10305 718-667-5159 The Staten Island Pee Wee Football League is open to children from ages five to thirteen. Our specialty!,, Must be a valid JCC Member to access and use gym, Proper closed-toe athletic footwear and attire must be worn at all times (no skins), No food, gum, glass bottles or alcohol is allowed, Non-service animals are not allowed in the JCC, Dunking, slamming or hanging on the rims or nets, Running or bouncing balls in the hallways anywhere in the JCC, Spitting, rough housing, wrestling or pushing, Swearing, abusive, inappropriate language or gestures, Using amplifiers or devices that produce loud noise (speakers with music), Using small hoops and equipment for Sports and Rec programs, Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult, The gym must be left in the same or better condition than before (clean up after yourself), Do not leave the doors propped open or make any alterations to the gym, Limit play to 45 minutes if others are waiting, Gymnasium space is for sports use, not hanging out, The JCC is not responsible for lost or stolen items, Please report any unsafe conditions to JCC staff, Schedule for gym time is subject to change, Gym closings for maintenance, safety or other reasons deemed appropriate for the management and protection of property shall be at the discretion of the JCC, Fundamental soccer training, shooting, passing, team play, game situations, conditioning, Improvement for each child within their ability, boosting self-esteem, understanding team play, To retain and offer progressive opportunities and training. CYO Coordinators, Coaches, Parents, Players. St Charles 5A. Baller City Basketball Summer LeagueBaller City Basketball Summer League. We are a skills development training, and camp which not only trains youth members in the fundamentals of basketball, but also teaches them responsibility, accountability, and teamwork. The crisis of disconnected youth is urgent. Staten Island Advance Sports Desk Brian Newman's 13 points offset the 13 of Joe Zieris as the Musketeers edged the Dolphins 24-22 in a Carl V. Bini Memorial Summer League boys' 12s contest at. All of the boy's teams play Saturdays at the SJST Gym and the girl's teams play on Saturday mornings at St. John Neumann gym. SI BBALL is not just another basketball league, or travel basketball organization. Themission of CYO is to provide the highest quality programs to our young people. There are summer camp options, as well as one-day . - Blake Toppmeyer. Register: 2023 SPRING YOUTH REGISTRATION. Throughout these past 43 years over 400 players have come through the old gym doors to play regularly. Jobs . Anosike is a center and power forward who plays in the Turkish Basketball Super League (BSL). When you walk through the doo, If you play the game you know what the zone is. Each week your child will have 2 practices (Monday-Friday) and will play in 1-2 games (Friday-Sunday) Learn More. Price goes up in 3 days! McKee/Staten Island Tech vs . HS For Construction Trades, Engineering & Archit. CYO is a competitive basketball league that takes place from September through March. St JSTSJN Green 5A. Keep me up to date! The Lions have become a force in the Ivy League. The Center is minutes away from the West Shore Expressway, The Outerbridge Crossing and The New Jersey Turnpike. 30% of NYC's public school young people do not graduate high school. Days of the week: Sunday thru Thursday 7:00pm- 11:30pm Contact Info: JOE CELL 718 873-7576 PHIL CELL 646-996-4365 Follow us on Instagram @ourislandmensbasketballleague_ Champions Fall 2023 North Division Prime Time Crew South Division Bay Terrance Boys West Division Bayonne James Manfredonia said he was an innocent teenager in the 1970s when Sagona, his baseball coach, sexually abused him and other boys in the lineup of their Staten Island, New York, team. Really we are a group of men coming together and Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings like religious zealots seeking the high of a pick up Basketball win in controlled pick up games. $323.14 - $537.23. Staten Island Details >> BASKETBALL BOYS V. 3/2/2023 12:00:00 AM. It is easily accessible to all islanders and people commuting from Brooklyn and New Jersey. 1600 basketball teams across all counties will lace up their basketball shoes this season and join in this historic program. We need your help with our upcoming major fundraisers and events. Thank you to all for coming to support our teams. Reserve a spot for your team NOW by registering below! We look forward to meeting new and returning participants and encourage all to get involved. Whatta Catch!!! All JCC Pickleball is played in the Bernikow Buildings 2nd floor Gym and you must bring your own paddle. This is a XBOX Series S/X league only. Thank you for taking the time to write to us. Our vision is not to compete with the already numerous basketball organizations on Staten Island, but rather, to unite them. Flag Football. Register Now. Learn about the Camp . We view our responsibility as extending far beyond the mere teaching of athletic skills. Copyright 2020 Fastbreak Basketball Center - All Rights Reserved. Middle Schools Basketball League Information, MANDATORY 2022-2023 Cricket Coaches Clinic. No special characters. Brown scores 18 as Saint Joseph's beats Rhode Island 64-50 Raleigh News & Observer. and Team Entry Links Here. Summer Open Gym will be every Monday-Friday throughout the summer from 12pm-3pm. . Our staff is committed and will strive to meet the needs of all players, teams, coaches, organizations and parents that visit our facility. Our programs offer the opportunity to develop moral standards in all of our young people. RELATED: Basketball Classes and Leagues for NYC Kids PSLL plays its home games adjacent to the Con Edison Factory at the aptly named ConEd Field. But. Got an idea for an event? Staten Island's Mid-Island youth baseball team won its first Little League World Series game on Thursday by a score of 5-2. You can use A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and chars ". suggestions. Dates: Sundays from January 2nd-January 30th, 2022. 1. 6th Grade Boys A. BSS 6A. We offer various types of web modules for you to choose from to help build out your site. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. In HS girls action, Rosemarie Trezza scored 10 points as the Tigers tamed the Liberty, 22-20; and Alaina Lynchs 11 points lifted the Sea Gulls past Ill Be Seeing You, 27-26. STATEN ISLAND BASKETBALL LEAGUE - 112 Lindenwood Rd, Staten Island, NY - Yelp Staten Island Basketball League Claimed Sports Clubs Closed Frequently Asked Questions about Staten Island Basketball League What days are Staten Island Basketball League open? CYO Coordinators, Coaches,Parents, Players. Fogadj a District of Columbia Firebirds vs Staten Island Dolphins s ms NCAA, frfiak mrkzsekre a 20Bet-en! Summer Youth Police Academy. Fastbreak is located in the beautiful community of Tottenville, Staten Island. There are several prominent hotels within minutes for players and their families participating in two-day tournaments. We started as unlimited numbers of urban kids have, What draws people to this game and this group? The Staten Island Yankees, who lost their affiliation with the mother ship last month, on Thursday announced they are ceasing operations and filed a $20 million lawsuit against both the Yankees. . Digital Journal here Career Panel: Arts and Entertainment Huge thanks to our panelists and moderators for an engaging session on career paths in arts and entertainment! We are looking for individual players aged 30-60 to join our group We play Wednesday 7 PM - 10 PM Saturday 8 AM to 11 AM Public School 8 - 112 Lindenwood Road Great Kills, Staten Island NY 10308 Commissioner Craig Raucher (718) 605-2189 - The Wisconsin Herd, NBA G League affiliate of the Milwaukee Bucks, beat the Salt Lake City Stars 120-106. Copyright 2023 SI BBALL - All Rights Reserved. Constantly Getting Better, Latest News. By this website, and by the use of social media, SI BBALL intends to become a hub for the sharing of information and resources for parents, coaches, administrators and organizations. Staten Island Philippine American Group of NY UPCOMING EVENTS PAST EVENTS Cotillion and Gala on July 30, 2022 We are excited to host the 2022 Cotillion and Gala on July 30, 2022. Sacred Heart Basketball Staten Island, NY. Sign Up Now: Season Begin Date Join the NFL Flag Football Program, the largest youth flag football organization in the country! 9-11 Flag Football. All coaches and Cheer Moderators must be registeredand Cheer Moderators must enter their teams online. Turn on push notifications and don't miss anything! . Fastbreak will be dedicated and devoted to create and maintain a sense of community that will enable players to maximize basketball potential, passion and ability. The Healthy Buffalo Youth Clinic & Exhibition includes: World class instruction by PeacePlayers International Co-Founder Sean Tuohey and professional basketball trainer Quintin Redfern. Browse 134 STATEN ISLAND, NY INTERNATIONAL SPORTS MANAGEMENT jobs from companies (hiring now) with openings. Posted on 02/14/2023. This will include keeping the basketball community informed of leagues, tournaments, clinics and other basketball resources, and eventually become a place to obtain information of game results, league standings and schedules, from CYO to High School, from private leagues to local tournaments. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Learn more about the NYC parks Junior Knicks Winter Basketball League Cycling Learn to Ride, Spring - Fall MinuteMedia . It is easily accessible to all islanders and people commuting from Brooklyn and New Jersey. Basketball is offered for boys and girls in grades 2 through 8, with some High School programming in Staten Island and Westchester. NJB offers Year-round basketball for grades K-12. The assistant DA a, Here it is look at it. Fastbreak is a stone's throw from several strip malls co. Fastbreak is located in the beautiful community of Tottenville, Staten Island. Mike Fidanza. Middle Schools Basketball League Information; Events & Standings . Saturday Night Open Gym will be offered for High School students on Saturdays from 8-11pm for only $20! We are organizing a similar The ages of the players range from 25 71 and the league is not run in a traditional way. EEP Sports. Click below to learn more about our Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring leagues. T hrough age-appropriate, fun practice plans, kids learn the fundamentals of basketball including shooting, dribbling and passing. It misbecoming a very successful night Varied Dates. Jenna Teryez and Giavanna Willis teamed up for 15 markers as the Richard Willis Memorial Diamonds defeated Michael Cusick 33-10. Description. 4th/5th/6th Rockies - 2022 Summer Kick Ball Champions. Finest topped the Mavericks, 44-24. We now accept VENMO payments for Basket-Ball Bash tickets, Sacred Heart Apparel and the Heart Cafe. Practice your forehand, backhand, volley, and serve, and game play! Bring a paddle, ball, and join some JCC members to play some table tennis! 9th 10th Grade Boys. Any questions email Rob Fischer at Our 2022 Season has begun. Founded, nurtured and managed all of these years by Craig Raucher it is called a league but it is much more then that. Wednesday evening group lessons Skills and Drills: Private lessons available upon request. During each three-hour session on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings most players have played six full court games. 2022 14U Eastern Regional Champs November 13, 2022 Congratulations to our 14U team for winning the 2022 Eastern Regionals earning a trip to the Super Bowl! Sep 15, 2022. As an organization we commit ourselves to the development of all the children who play for PWSI. Information on all things Staten Island basketball - all in one place! Living on the winning shot until the next get together or the great pass or the monster rebound ecstasy and agony play out. Register Now. State Island Cheerleading Sign up to hear from us about events, open gym, clinics, and so much more! All participants receive a team T-Shirt. If you have a passion for the game and want to be involved in inspiring young athletes, officiating in an NFL FLAG league is the p On Wednesday January 11th, 2023 Coach Nicholas Nelson life was taken by another person. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. The fourth annual "Because We Can Sports" basketball league wrapped up their four-week league with a championship game on Jan. 29 at Gateway Church, the Integrated Athletic Initiative (The Initiative) announced.The event, sponsored by South Shore Kiwanis Club and Frontline, was attended by a few hundred basketball enthusiasts, families, community members, Mid-Island . Tiffany Smith scored 13 points and Ashley Baggs added seven as the Staten Island Heat downed Finest 28-14 in a Staten Island Girl Ballers Summer Basketball League 14s game. The Wolverines of Bronx Science and the Falcons of Susan Wagner Capture Metro/BDA Wins the A Multiple Pathways Boys Basketball Championship, PSAL Wrestling Individual Championships Results, Pitchers and Catchers Report March 1, 2023, PSAL Boys Basketball Borough Championship Announcement, 2022-23 Wrestling Borough Championship Results, Prioritizing Sports Physical Exams for High School Students, Moises Jimenez et al. Nashville Mayor John Cooper sent over his final term sheet for a new Tennessee Titans stadium to the Metro Council last Friday, though it took a few days before it became available for the great unwashed to read. It showed up by yesterday, however, and one of the items included is a document explaining how the city will pay for its share of $1.26 billion in public costs, which is this: Bahasa - Indonesia; Chinese (simplified) Deutsch; English - Australia; English - Canada; English - Ghana We became a haven for an army of these types of players creating a pick up basketball paradise. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. We are fortunate to have dedicated coaches involved in our organization, as well as maintain great relationships with high school basketball programs, elite trainers, referees, sponsors, other basketball organizations, and league administrator from the Barclays Center, to the NYC Parks Dept., from the Catholic Youth Organization, to Public School/ UAU Programs! SIBA does not have any leagues for previous gen XBOX, or any PS5 console, and there are no future plans to make one for PS5 or older gen XBOX consoles. 2022 Eastern Regionals November 1, 2022 Congratulation to our 10U & 14 team for making it to the Eastern Regionals! fastbreak basketball center 236 Richmond Valley Road Staten Island, NY 10309 Follow Us (718) 948-3710 Open Gym Friday Night Open Gym will be offered for 2nd-8th grade students on Fridays from 7-10pm for only $20! The official Men's Basketball page for the Staten Island Dolphins Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department's Spring Youth Ball Leagues Registration going on Now. Players that could not take the heavy wear and tear on their bodies pounding concrete all the time. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Started in 1994, Darrow's Sporting Edge is a locally owned, mom-and-pop store, which sells all sorts sporting equipment and supplies. Your team will play all games atthe air-conditioned facilities at OLSS. Our Basketball program is for kids at all skill levels, from Pre-K through high school, our goal is to help our players build character, develop their skills, and have fun! Staten Island Basketball League is open Mon, Wed, Sat. PHILADELPHIA - Homestanding La Salle erased an 8-5 halftime deficit by scoring the first three goals of the second half, but the Lehigh women's lacrosse team responded by scoring three of the game's final four goals to claim their fourth straight victory 11-9 Wednesday at McCarthy Stadium. 05:00 PM . Youth Leagues. The Hamilton County Commission has finally agreed on a plan that would allow them to keep paying off the Cincinnati Reds and Bengals stadiums while still handing out the property tax break that was agreed to as part of the stadium deal (and which is so important to county taxpayers, especially if they're really rich).Under the new plan, the county will sell Drake Hospital to a private .